@KTzone » 優惠 - 衣著服飾 » Harvey Nichols Autumn Winter sale 低至6折優惠(至12年12月16日)

2012-12-3 12:08 twingo
Harvey Nichols Autumn Winter sale 低至6折優惠(至12年12月16日)

<img src="http://attach.getjetso.com/forum/attachments/month_1211/20121130_678b63729629004cf40eDIzztkd7Nk8r.jpg?name=" border="0" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" onclick="zoom(this, 'http://attach.getjetso.com/forum/attachments/month_1211/20121130_678b63729629004cf40eDIzztkd7Nk8r.jpg?name=')"  alt="Harvey Nichols Autumn Winter sale 低至6折優惠(至12年12月16日)圖片1" /><br />The Harvey Nichols seasonal sale is on!With up to 40%off selected items,this is the one and only sale in town which all fashionistas have been waiting for,so come in and prep up for the winter season now!</div></a>

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